First, to reinforce my post about not buying potatoes that have a green skin. This was on Yahoo UK this morning.
Potatoes may look innocent enough, but did you know they actually come from the same family as poisonous plant the deadly nightshade? Although they are not quite as dangerous as this family member, potatoes do pose certain risks to our health due to them containing toxic compounds known as glycoalkaloids, the most worrying of which is solanine which affects the nervous and digestive systems causing headaches, weakness, confusion, diarrhoea and vomiting amongst other things.
Poisoning from potatoes occurs very rarely but fans of the popular vegetable should take measures to protect themselves by avoiding potatoes with sprouts - which tend to have a higher concentration of glycoalkaloids - and those which have turned green. Although the green colour of the potatoes is harmless in itself, it does indicate that the potatoes have been exposed to light, which can also encourage solanine levels to rise over the safe level for consumption.
Like I said before, I see quite a lot of potatoes with a green skin in the supermarkets here in Las Vegas.
Now for my version of a healthy start to the day. The experts do say having a good breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
If you get up early and have plenty of time in the day these should suit you fine. Or just have one of these.
Number one a cup of tea made in a pot not just a tea bag in a mug. You get a much better flavour from tea if the leaves or bags can swirl around in the pot.
A bowl of porridge, (oatmeal to our American cousins) I use “Bob’s Red Mill” extra thick whole grain rolled oats, www.bobsredmill.com.
In the UK I would have used “Scots porridge oats” or “Jordans”.
I cook my porridge in the microwave. Once you get the hang of the timings for your microwave it is much simpler and saves you time.
You need a big microwave safe bowl. I have a 2.5 L (2.5 qrt USA) pyrex bowl. This size is a must for using your microwave. I use it for boiling potatoes and rice.
Take 1 measure of the oats to 2 and a little bit more (depends on how thick you want the porridge or for how long you will cook the porridge) of water.
A small amount of salt to your taste.
You can use milk or milk and water. But beware using milk, it boils over if you don’t keep an eye on it and we don’t want to have to do that.
Depending on how much I’m making I first boil the porridge on the highest setting for 5 or 6 minutes. You’ll have to watch the porridge boiling until you get the hang of your microwave timings and power. It makes a real mess if you let it boil over.
After the first boiling stir the porridge well and put back in the microwave on a low setting, not letting it boil. You can cook it like this for as long as you need to. Have your shower, shave or any other ablutions.
Serve with cold milk and sugar or honey.
Now is the time to take the dog out or go for your morning walk.
Just like the three bears.
Feeling hungry after your walk or did you go to the gym.
Poached egg with smoked salmon on an English muffin.
Ingredients, well that’s easy. Eggs, smoked salmon and English muffins or whole meal bread.
Boil a kettle of water.
Warm the salmon in your small grill oven you are using to warm the plates. Warm an extra plate to use to drain the water off of the poached eggs.
You can put the cooked egg onto an old slice of bread. This drain off the cooking water. We don't want to make our muffin soggy.
You can put the cooked egg onto an old slice of bread. This drain off the cooking water. We don't want to make our muffin soggy.
When the water is boiled pour into you wok or frying pan with a little vinegar. You really can fry or poach eggs in a wok, especially in the round bottom type. Leaves your egg cooked perfectly round.
Bring back to boil, but not boiling too fiercely or it will break up the egg.
Put the muffins in for toasting.
When the water is boiling gently break the egg into the boiling water. Leave it to settle and the white to cook. When firm enough, using a spoon, spoon the boiling water over the egg yolk. Poach for as long as you need the egg to cook soft and runny or firm.
Put the warmed salmon onto a buttered muffin and the poached egg on top.
You could scramble the eggs or have a smoked salmon omelette.
I trust you remembered to make your coffee.
I hope you enjoyed your breakfast.
I’ll cover the scrambled egg and omelette another time