The Breville Electric Wok

The Breville Electric Wok
Breville Electric Wok

Fresh Produce

The Hunt for Fresh Produce in Las Vegas

We read so much on the Internet and magazines, not forgetting the television, about how we have to cut our meat intake and eat more fresh fruit and vegetables. The problem is we all love a good juicy steak or succulent pork chop with the fat around the edge just crispy and browned enough.

The confusion increases with the “organic” verses “non-organic choice”. The main difference I see is the price, something most of us have to watch these days. I was in one food store the other day to buy a punnet (English for a box of berries) of strawberries. The organic choice was $5.99, the non-organic $3.99. I went for the cheaper ones as I only wanted them for a smoothie and a few on my Shredded wheat. Not with my glass of champagne at a royal wedding. Another difference I feel is that organic produce doesn’t last as long as non-organic. Which means you have to shop more often, which adds to the price of shopping.

We then read about the horror stories of the “Toxic” poisons the farm-produced fruit and vegetables are treated with. They keep away the creepy crawlies, which devour my meager attempt for home grown delicacies.

So what choices do we have to find genuine fresh farm vegetables and fruit? The obvious is to grow our own but that’s not that easy or economic. It’s a nice feeling though to go out in your back garden to pick a tomato or chilli even a bunch of your own herbs to go with your salad or what ever you’re preparing.

There are the supermarkets that purport to sell the freshest fruit and vegetables. How long has it taken the produce to get the shops and into the dish you are preparing or your refrigerator?

The other choice is the Las Vegas farmers markets. Which I understand is beginning to win its battle with the “marionettes” at city, county and state halls. I thought the farmer’s market was fledgling movement here in Las Vegas. Until I was speaking to a stallholder at a recent market, he assured me the movement started more than 12 years ago.

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